Natural Healing Kitchen–Home Made Yogurt (安全な、ホームメイド・ヨーグルト)


SAFE DAIRY – Home Made Yogurt and Crème Fraiche

Because of the lack of an enzyme called lactase to digest lactose, many people cannot digest lactose which is milk sugar is well known now a day. However for many people also Milk protein and Milk fat may cause a health problem.

And as much as milk products (Dairy) causes a problem, it’s a great source of pro-biotic. So I would like to explain to you how to make SAFE DAIRY – Home Made Yogurt and Crème Fraiche.


32 oz. Milk – Ideally raw milk. However, like NY, in many of states, at least once pasteurized is a law. So worst case pasteurized (not ultra-pasteurized) and non-homogenized organic whole milk.  Please do not use skim or reduced fat milk.   Those are another problem. Always Use whole milk!

6 oz. Yogurt (quality of milk must be as same as the milk)

I think you better have a yogurt maker that does not have a timer. Usually their timer does not go long enough.

1. If you are using pasteurized non-homogenized milk, then you must heat the milk close to the boil. But do not boil.

2. Then, cool down the milk to about 90°F I recommend you to use a thermometer. If you are using raw milk, start from here to heat the milk to the proper temperature.

*When your room temperature is more than 75°F, you may not need to heat Raw milk at all. Just make sure the milk is at room temperature before you add the yogurt.

3. Add the yogurt into the milk and stir well. I usually use strainer to mix them well.

4. Pour the mixture into 7 6oz glass jars that come with a yogurt maker or follow an instruction of your yogurt maker.

*When the room temperature is more than 75°F, you may not need the yogurt maker. Just make sure the yogurt can breath but they do not exposed to dust or bad bacteria. Also make sure that room temperature does not going up and down while the yogurt is fermenting.

5. At least 24 hours, ferment your yogurt. I usually do it till 30 hours.

(This is the entire point of Home Made Yogurt. Usually commercialized yogurt is fermented up to 8hours most as a result of my research. Also qualities of milk need to be considerate. )

6. Cover the lids of each jar and keep them in a refrigerator more than 6 hours.


When you ferment milk more than 24hours, then all the possible cause of problem from milk can be prevented. And the home made yogurt can be a great source of your pro-biotic.

And if you want to make a thicker one which can be called crème fraiche or sour cream, use heavy cream instead of milk.

The Yogurt Maker I use is Euro Cuisine model# YM80.


Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, Gut and Psychology Syndrome

Howard F. Loomis, Jr., D.C., F.I.A.C.A., ENZYMES The Key to Health

前の記事Natural Healing Kitchen 第一回目からのまとめ
次の記事悩まないと、人生は思うように行かない その1
MAKIKO道場総帥。 幸せになる為の術を学ぶ道場をニューヨークに開設。 ポスチュア・バランス・エクササイズ発案と指導。霊感をもった、ナチュラル・ヘルス&ライフ・スタイル・カウンセラー、エネルギー・ヒーラー。 健康である事、自然である事が、人間を幸せに導くと確信する。 3次元の地球に生きる意味を、追求している。