Pie Crust (GAPS OK!)


For the crust of any pies, you can use basically the same recipe.

Pie Crust Ingredients:

  • 1 cup almond flour ( or any nuts flour)
  • 1 cup coconuts flour (If a nuts flour does not work, all coconuts flour is fine. Also if coconuts flour does not work, then all nuts flour is fine too.)
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoon butter
  • 2 tablespoon almond butter ( or any nuts butter)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 oz very cold water

Appliance and tools:

  • A food processor
  • 9 inch pie dish
  • Pie crust weight

Cooking steps:

Start to heat the oven to 315°F.

All the ingredients for the crust into a food processor.




Use Pulse button till everything mixed evenly like this.



Shape the crust in the pie dish.




put a weight and bake it for about 50 – 60min.

Make sure the crust is not burned at the edge. You will bake it with the filling again. So if it is not baked all the way, it’s not a problem.


Take the weight off and cool down till the filling is ready.

You can use this pie crust for any pie!!!

Also you can bake the crust one to two days before you bake a pie.

前の記事Pumpkin Pie (GAPS OK!)
次の記事Apple Pie (GAPS OK!)
MAKIKO道場総帥。 幸せになる為の術を学ぶ道場をニューヨークに開設。 ポスチュア・バランス・エクササイズ発案と指導。霊感をもった、ナチュラル・ヘルス&ライフ・スタイル・カウンセラー、エネルギー・ヒーラー。 健康である事、自然である事が、人間を幸せに導くと確信する。 3次元の地球に生きる意味を、追求している。