Apple Pie (GAPS OK!)


Did you try The pumpkin pie ? Baking is very therapeutic. Actually all home cooking are. Just start! You do it more, it will become easier to do. I like to bake a pie in an evening after I come back from work. My husband tells me ” You are crazy!” with a smile. 



5-6 apples depending on the size

1 apple for the topping

1 teaspoon cinnamon powder ( If you are severe GAPS, please skip)

1/2 teaspoon squeezed fresh ginger juice

1 teaspoon vanilla

3-4 table spoon raw honey

1 table spoon butter

a pinch of salt

1/8 teaspoon a high quality gelatin powder resolved into 1 table spoon super cold water( Option)

For the Crust, please go to Pie Crust (GAPS OK!)

Cooking Steps:

Start to heat the oven 375°F.

Put all the filling ingredients (except one apple and the gelatin powder) for the topping together in a pot. And cook till started to melt and a kind of creaminess occurred.

If you want to add the gelatin powder, please do so after you take the pot off the gas-range and mix it slowly.

Pour the filling into a crust.




Made and decorate with another apple in anyway you like.

In between just put some pieces of butter.  The butter prevent the pie and topping apple to be too dry.


Bake it for about 1 hour. Please keep watching the edge of crust to not to be burned.



Cool down for over night at least.  Also you can keep it for about 6 days. But by the 2-3 days the taste is he best!

前の記事Pie Crust (GAPS OK!)
MAKIKO道場総帥。 幸せになる為の術を学ぶ道場をニューヨークに開設。 ポスチュア・バランス・エクササイズ発案と指導。霊感をもった、ナチュラル・ヘルス&ライフ・スタイル・カウンセラー、エネルギー・ヒーラー。 健康である事、自然である事が、人間を幸せに導くと確信する。 3次元の地球に生きる意味を、追求している。